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Each week you will receive a new email with a link to access a new meditation. If you have already started your journey with the introduction of the 1st three meditations, you will simply continue your journey where you left off. Each of these meditations are approximately 15 minutes long. It is not necessary to formally meditate in order to receive some benefit from this series. They can be listened to at anytime. (Though it is highly recommended that you do not listen to these meditations while driving or operating any machinery.) However, to get the most benefit, it is suggested to practice each meditation daily. Picking a quite place where you are less likely to be interrupted.
You will also hear a highly suggested exercise at the end of each meditation. Remember, the more you put in, the more you get out. The suggested exercises are there to assist in fully adapting each core principle into a daily mindset. They may not be for everyone. With this series, we hope that you simply take what works for you and leave the rest.
Meditation is a very personal and individual experience. Our main Hope in providing this meditation series is to ignite the spark of a fundamental change in humanity, one universal principle at a time.
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