Wow! Week three is already here. Whether you choose to stick around after this week and look to continue your journey or not, I hope you have gained some value from your experience. Either way, I’d love to hear from you.
By now you should know the drill. Find a quite spot, turn off your cell phone. Don’t worry about how focused you are, how deep you go or even how quite (or loud) your mind is. Simply sit up straight (or lie down if you prefer) relax and listen.
Step Three states – “Made a decision to turn Our will and Our lives over to the care of God, as We understood Him!”
“The power to change does not happen in a word, but in the ability to Accept change, even when it is unknown.”
This is it, the end of the three week challenge. Please share any honest assessments, comments or concerns from your experience. If you are interested in continuing beyond these first three steps, let us know. We want to hear from you. Connect with us in the comment sections of one of our JnP post, through Facebook, Twitter or contact me directly.
Disclaimer: All information presented on this website is for informational purposes only. These statements are based purely on personal experiences. This website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure and is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any professional treatment or 12 Step recovery program. Please seek the advice of your sponsor or healthcare professional for your specific concerns. Individual results may vary.
No Spam, No Games, just Authentic sharing and sincere Hope for Change.