“The Journey is my Destination”. I first heard this statement from an old mentor of mine. It stuck with me then and made a small impact on how I began to see my days. But, as I have journeyed through the past 20 months. The meaning behind this statement has deepened within me.
When I began working on this mediation series, I had no idea how much the preliminary research would impact me. I have already began to see the changes in myself, since I began this journey. And though I have been through the 12 Steps of a recovery program, a few times. Each time I dive into them, a new part of me seems to be awaken. Of course, that is part of the purpose.
Here I am, finishing up the rough notes to the 12th meditation, based on step 12. Which talks about carrying the message and practicing principles in all of our affairs. And I am finding it difficult to stay focused on the current page because I’m getting anxious to go back over the first one. I can’t wait to see what perspective has changed. What growth has been gained since I started this project.
This may seem to contradict the idea of the Journey being the destination. And I will admit, I am having to remind myself that I will gain more from staying in the moment then if I go hastily through. But the suspense is no longer about the product for me. It is about going through the journey again and seeing the difference between my understanding from when I began to what it will be this next time around as I begin to put together the finished meditations.
The only message necessary is the living example of our own practice of these Spiritual Principles. Those who will be attracted to the change they see in us, are the ones we are most likely to reach. We can only inspire change in those who want to change. This journey maybe one path to making change more attractive.
“Aspire to inspire, before we expire!”