I had the pleasure of listening to a friend speak yesterday. We had a good conversation afterwords. As we were talking and relating on the feeling one can get, when sharing our own experiences. The statement was made, “It’s not about trying to reach everyone in the audience, it’s about putting ourselves out there to reach the ones that receives it. If we only touch one person, it’s a successful share.”
That is how I am approaching this endeavor. I’m not looking at trying to impact the world directly. I’m not even going to be concerned so much about the numbers I reach. If what I do can help anyone find the change within themselves, I have complete confidence that their change will someday initiate change in someone else. If my meditations or my experiences and journey can help just 10 people find their own journey. Then half of them have changes that impact 10 more and so on. Then I will have already gone beyond the norm. within themselves, I have complete confidence that their change will someday initiate change in someone else. If my meditations or my experiences and journey can help just 10 people find their own journey. Then half of them have changes that impact 10 more and so on. Then I will have already gone beyond the norm.
I believe in the need for the world to wake up from its ‘Walking Sleep’. I have seen those who were at their end, or as we say, spiritually bankrupt. And I have watched not just their lives but their whole individual personality WAKE UP! As they journey through the ‘Steps and Traditions’. I, myself, have had profound changes in my ideas and attitudes as a result.
Humanity, now more than ever, seems to be searching for a way to heal itself. As we see more and more issues of separation, due to the advancements of technology. There are those seeking ways to use these tools to infuse new balance in our lives. To bring us closer together, and not further apart. More and more, we are seeing people break the cycle of the ‘couch potato’ lives and get back into actually living life. As we do, we hear of more of those who want to make these changes in their own lives. No one way will be able to wake everyone up from their ‘Sleep Walking’. I hope that my journey of WAKING UP! will then ripple into the path of someone else and trigger the change they need.
“Always aspire to inspire, before we expire!”