Hey, my name is Paul David.
I am a recovering addict/alcoholic with over a decade clean & sober. In that time I have managed to regain my career. I married my best friend and confidant (and sometimes my mortal enemy) 😉 and raise a beautiful (sometimes challenging) family. None of which I would have ever thought possible. I have been an active member of 12 step fellowships for close to 30yrs. (11 of which was trying to prove the programs wrong!) Since I have been back in recovery, I have been honored to speak on several occasions. Mostly on specific topics of my experience with the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions. And my understanding of the application of Spiritual Principles.
A few years back, several of those closest to me began to point out how I had seemed to become somewhat distraught. Losing my temper quickly and just becoming much more cynical in my outlook. I had gone through some significant changes in my life and had become distant from myself. I began to realize, between my growing family, my ever-growing and demanding career and my involvement with a Clean & Sober Motorcycle Club. (did I mention I’m also a recovering biker?) I was no longer able to be as active in my recovery program. A huge void had developed within me.
In realizing that I had lost the feeling of fulfillment in my life, I began to take a close look at myself. Through personal inventory I realized; I had stopped doing things that made me who I was. I started looking for ways to get back into my own program. But without sacrificing time with my family, commitment to my brothers or recklessly disrupt what had become an unsatisfying job.
Back to Basics
I have spent well over two decades, practicing and studying different forms and styles of meditation. Using this experience, I began working on a personal series of meditations based directly on my understanding of Spiritual Principles and the 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of Recovery.
This new direction started in April of 2014. Since then, I have found a new passion in my heart. I have grown back to be more inspired in my days and even began to receive a few request to speak at several groups and speaker jams. Mainly on the very topics I have read and are writing about in the meditations I am developing. It has been these changes that have prompted me to reach out and start this ‘revolution in evolution.’
I am coming to the end of my first round of meditations based on the Principles. My goal is to continue writing about my journey with this series, as I continue to work towards reapplying them in my life. I hope to use this as a way of journaling my experience and progress as they develop. Whether anyone reads, this or not is of no consequence. But, if you do happen across this post, please feel free to chime in through comments and share your own thoughts or experiences.
“Always Aspire to inspire, before we expire.”
Paul David