So here is how our future together looks. We find a beautiful 3 to 4 bedroom house or condo in Port Aransas, TX. Big enough for a family vacation but small enough to make it easily rentable.
We will name it my wife’s “Happy Place.”

It will have to have a balcony off the Master bedroom with a direct view of the gulf. Being able to hear the waves crash against the sand, as we sleep, is a must.
Our second goal will be my “Happy Place.”
Next, we will work towards purchasing a modest cabin or house somewhere close to the ‘Garden of the Gods’ in Colorado. Again, big enough for a family vacation yet small enough to make it easily affordable to rent.
And again, the Master bedroom will be a defining element.
This time with a balcony with an unobstructed view of the stars. – And yes, we do plan on having telescopes in both locations.
To allow each place to fulfill the 7th principle of Faith, being self-supporting.
Both of these two locations will be rentable vacation homes. We’ll keep our primary residence in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area. It’s important to us that we maintain some stable roots. And stay close to our kids.
But travel is our shared passion.
We will find a small RV just big enough for the two of us and her Chiweenie, Pebbles. It will have to either be a toy hauler or have a short trailer for the motorcycle.
This will not be our retirement, it will be our liberation.
We plan on bouncing between locations. Visiting each 2 to 3 times a year. – During their respected offseasons, of course. We want to be able to enjoy both of our ‘Happy Places.’ Enjoy filling our desire cups on a consistent and leisurely basis.
How close are we? Not at All.
We still have another 9years before our youngest graduates high school. We spend so much of our time and resources now, providing the best life we can for our kids. If you follow any of our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you already know about our Scouting/ Gymnastics/ Black Belt kiddos. Along with our activities as parents, as a couple, and as individuals.
When we look at where we are, compared to where we want to be,
We both become overwhelmed with doubt and depression. The inner voices of despair telling us, we will never have that type of life. And yes, at times, our pessimism will trigger a very depressing discussion.
But, since our shared desire for how we want to live has surfaced. Our sharing of individual doubt and depression turns into shared acknowledgment. Acknowledgment of where we’ve come from and of our unified re-alignment of intention towards a shared outcome.
“Always aspire to inspire before we expire!”
The 2nd re-post from March 2018, a post lost during a site migration.
If you haven’t read Part 1 Click here.
My Dear Brother that weekend was one of my best memories,
You may be asking why well for me it wasn’t just a renewing of your vows it was where i found more of my self and more of my family.
Have faith in your dreams coming true by finding pictures of both happy places and posting them on your refidgerator or in a fram on your wall some place you’ll see them every day Paul David yours in your quiet room and Sisters in her quiet spot while in your perspective quiet places take time to reflect and look at where you want to be, say a prayer over it thanking the powers that be for these places as if you’ve already have them.
The most important thing is to remain positive. Much love
Marvin John
Thank you, brother, that means a lot. And no worries, even with the status of the current times we are holding onto the goal. 🙂