I find that one of the best tools to surrender is breathing.

Now I’m huge into breathing, and I’m huge into meditation what I’ve learned over the years through active involvement in 12 Step programs. We sit in our meetings, and we talk a whole lot about spiritual principles and our beliefs or lack of beliefs. And we will hear each other talk about who our higher power is and how important it is to surround ourselves with like-minded.
I remember when I first came to be apart of the 12 Step communities.
I was a smart ass teenager, and I conflicted in every arrogant way I could. With YOU Adults, with the idea of living without drugs, with the 12 steps and with “coming to believe.” It wasn’t that I was an atheist; I was more of an agnostic. I always felt there was something more than just existence. I just didn’t give much thought to it back then.
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