Self-Centeredness Kept me Sick

As a recovering addict, one realization I had to come to terms with early on was that self-centeredness was at the core of my addiction.

Being ultimately concerned with ‘fixing myself.’ Taking care of my inexhaustible hunger for more, not realizing how my addictive behavior affected everyone around me. I became sick without realizing I was sick.

It wasn’t until I became aware of how my self-centeredness had made my relations with others sick. How I brought harm and turmoil to those, I came into contact with, especially those closest to me, that I became able to see just how sick I had gotten.

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All Spiritual Principles work together.

Sun rises inspite of the treesAll Spiritual Principles work together.

Learning to live by Universal Principles begins with Hope, But one primary Principle within all of them is the Principle of Surrender. Someone once told that anytime I walked into a recovery meeting and I didn’t know what the topic was. The topic was always ‘surrender.’ And what that meant for me at first was to surrender to my own thoughts because that’s all I knew how to do. But learning to live by Spiritual Principles taught me how to surrender my thoughts to the Principles. Continue reading “All Spiritual Principles work together.”

Water Always Seeks Its Own Level

Water seeks its own level.“Water always seeks its own level.”

If you have two separate bodies of water connected to one another, their levels must be equal. Unless, of course, an outside force changes the dynamics (such as the wind).

If we are 70% water (give or take 10%) then likewise we will inevitably seek others we perceive as being the same level.

Continue reading “Water Always Seeks Its Own Level”


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