I could not imagine having the Life I have today.

I remember what my life was like back then.

Photo by Carmen Avram

I remember those days of not being able to function without help in liquid form. My personnel coordinator (the guy who gave me work) would often make the joke, “Red Bull before a gig, Red Dog after.” He may have been being funny, but it was a reality. I would walk into a gig with a four pack of Red Bull. As soon as the gig was over, I was looking for a six-pack. Red Dog was the best I could afford at that time.

Just two months prior, I was living in a nice one bedroom loft. Of course, the only furnishings I had was an old boombox radio, a Commodore 64 Continue reading “I could not imagine having the Life I have today.”

When You Look in the Mirror, What Do You See?

Answer Me This!

Man in the mirror


“When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a day Just go to the mirror and look at yourself And see what that man has to say.”


As I look back at my own Journey, I find myself reflecting on two reoccurring questions.
(Please pick one and answer it in the comments section below)

1. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?


2. When you lay down at night, what keeps you awake?

Continue reading “When You Look in the Mirror, What Do You See?”

Are you an ‘I Can’t’ or an ‘I Can’?

There are those who look for all the reasons why they Can’t. And there are those who look for ways to say ‘Yes we Can.’ I know for myself I spent many years being one of those who looked at all the reasons to say ‘No I Can’t do this.’

“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” – Henry Ford

If we continuously look for all the reasons that we can’t do something, all we will ever see in life are the obstacles. Living this way is a very Continue reading “Are you an ‘I Can’t’ or an ‘I Can’?”


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