“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu

Some time back I wrote an article titled, “Lack of Power is my Dilemma.” Shortly after that post, I found myself in a place of discomfort. The stress of trying to balance the different areas of Life came to the surface.
Three separate times, by three different people, all from different areas of my Life, accused me of not doing my part. Or live up to my word or their expectations. With each incident, the words from the previously mentioned post kept coming to mind.
“I am the common denominator.”
Part of the process of my Journey in Principles is to look at my part in every moment of my Life. In doing so, I have to become aware of what parts I am Powerless over. Expectations of others, the interpretations of others, or the place (either mentally or emotionally) that others are at, at any given time.
But I also have to look at what I do have control over. Like staying focused on what I say I’m going to do. Finishing one commitment before starting another, speaking Honestly and authentically even when it might hurt.
“Life is the hardest teacher, It gives us the test first and the lesson second.” – E
Finding balance as I work to transform my Life is impossible. But, if I stop trying to find that balance, the transformation would be unstable.
In this Journey, I must begin with Hope. It is with Hope that change becomes possible. It is with Hope that we can accept the current unmanageability in Life and have the courage and strength to take action.
Through our new found Hope, we can begin to let go of the reactions to and expectations of those around us. And make way for the awareness and Acceptance of where we are in Life, who we are as a person, and be okay to move forward.
“Always aspire to inspire, before we expire!”