The Journey is my Destination!

Straight two lane highway
The narrower the path, the clearer the destination

“The Journey is my Destination”.  I first heard this statement from an old mentor of mine.  It stuck with me then and made a small impact on how I began to see my days.  But, as I have journeyed through the past 20 months.  The meaning behind this statement has deepened within me.

When I began working on this mediation series, I had no idea how much the preliminary research would impact me.  I have already began to see the changes in myself, since I began this journey.  And though I have been through the 12 Steps of a recovery program, a few times.  Each time I dive into them, a new part of me seems to be awaken.  Of course, that is part of the purpose. Continue reading “The Journey is my Destination!”

Challenge Day 7: A Revolution in Principles

So today’s challenge is to write about, “what revolution will you lead?” When I read this, I immediately thought to myself, “I’m not one to see myself leading any type of revolution”. But, then it hit me. My whole premise behind my writing is to help bring out and identify my experience with Spiritual Principles.

We are bombarded with news of conflict throughout the world. Continuously hearing of this person’s or social group’s wrong doings. As a result, there are a number of possible solutions being thrown about. Some quite simple, others quite absurd. Continue reading “Challenge Day 7: A Revolution in Principles”

Challenge Day 6: If we only touch one

I had the pleasure of listening to a friend speak yesterday. We had a good conversation afterwords. As we were talking and relating on the feeling one can get, when sharing our own experiences. The statement was made, “It’s not about trying to reach everyone in the audience, it’s about putting ourselves out there to reach the ones that receives it. If we only touch one person, it’s a successful share.”

That is how I am approaching this endeavor. I’m not looking at trying to impact the world directly. I’m not even going to be concerned so much about the numbers I reach. If what I do can help anyone find the change Continue reading “Challenge Day 6: If we only touch one”


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