Nobody’s Perfect so why Practice?

“If practice makes perfect, but nobody is perfect. Then Why Practice?”

This was a question I once heard during a group conversation. It was several years ago, and I was not prepared for such a question. Quite honestly, it completely stumped me. And over the years I have found myself pondering that very question.

Buddha aspires
Perfection only exists within the idea of what’s perfect.

Perfection is in the Journey

We practice towards perfection, not for the attainment of perfection. But for the growth of the experience. I practice because I want to be better than I am.

Continue reading “Nobody’s Perfect so why Practice?”

Time to Pick Up the Pieces See what I’ve Gained

This past year has been an inspiring life changing year for me. It was during this past year that this whole ‘Journey in Principles’ idea has begun to take form. Even with more than 13 plus years in 12 Step recovery. I have gained more self-awareness and more direction over this past year.

The changes I have made in the past year have been fruitful. They have consisted of taking on a new physical challenge with my eating and exercise habits. Finding a routine that has been working for me through

both my slow season and my busy season. I learned to step back a little from individual service positions. While still being able to share my Continue reading “Time to Pick Up the Pieces See what I’ve Gained”

Feb 5th – Change begins with Hope!

It’s been a week since I’ve written anything.  I sat down a few times and tried to force myself to write.  There have been several occasions I had, what I thought were some great thoughts come into my head.  While I was in the shower getting ready. During my drive to or from the office.  Even in the evening as I went through the nightly routine of helping to get the kids in bed.

When I finally sat down and tried picking one of those thoughts, I had saved in my notes app and attempted to journal; I struggled to make it past the first couple of sentences.

My writing was not the only area that lagged.  My entire week seemed to Continue reading “Feb 5th – Change begins with Hope!”


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