The Power of Hope!

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu

Facing the storm with Hope
With Hope we can find the beauty within the storm.

Some time back I wrote an article titled, “Lack of Power is my Dilemma.” Shortly after that post, I found myself in a place of discomfort. The stress of trying to balance the different areas of Life came to the surface.

Three separate times, by three different people, all from different areas of my Life, accused me of not doing my part. Or live up to my word or their expectations. With each incident, the words Continue reading “The Power of Hope!”

Personal Power Through Powerlessness…

We find personal power in letting go of what we are powerless over.

When we start looking at all that is around us, we begin to realize how little power we have over external events. By realizing this, we make room to focus on what we do have power over- Our Selves. This isn’t a new concept or idea. Many wise and influential individuals have been trying to get this point across for years. One such example is Mahatma Gandhi – “As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.”

Be the change you wish to see in the world and the world we see the change in you!

How do we learn to be the “change we want to see”?

Continue reading “Personal Power Through Powerlessness…”

Where has all the time gone?

Some would be overwhelmed by the waterfall; others would be overwhelmed with the EXPERIENCE!

There are times in life when we feel overwhelmed by all the things we need to accomplish. For some of us, this can be a daily norm. And it very well may be true. We have to mow the lawn, clear away all the dead branches. Pick up kids from school. Take them to their after school activities, be it karate, Scouts, dance, etc. Repairing damage to your website after a mishap that cost you two months worth of work. There is always something in front of us that requires our attention.

Housework is the type of work that no one notices unless it’s not done.

It seems that there is a genuine paradox to living Life fully and with balance. Either we spend all our free time glued to video games, our Continue reading “Where has all the time gone?”


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